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FDA Sued Over Menthol Cigarettes
The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC) & Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) joined forces to Bring a Formal...

Same Game Different Smokers Exhibition
Opening Ceremony - December 7, 2019 from 2-3 PM Please wear white in solidarity. San Francisco Main Library 100 Larkin Street - San...

A Fireside Chat With Supervisor Shamann Walton
San Francisco made national news and set the tone progressive tobacco legislation as the first city to pass an ordinance to take...

What’s Menthol Got to Do with It? Everything (Still)!
The Plight of African Americans and Mentholated Tobacco Products:The Time is NOW! The AATCLC hosted a Press Briefing on Thursday, May...

AATCLC At The KJLH Women's Health Expo
AATCLC Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Carol McGruder, was welcomed at a major Women's Health event in Long Beach California. This year's theme,...
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